Spider-Man: No Way Home – What We’ve Been Waiting For

Well it finally released! After much speculation and rumours making their way around stating there wouldn't be an official trailer, Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios dropped the trailer on Monday evening at 10pm. If you haven't seen the trailer because you probably live under a rock, here it is one more time! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgU7P6o-GkM The trailer... Continue Reading →

Norman Osborn/Green Goblin – Greatest Spider-Man Villain

To coincide with Halloween this week I decided to push out this post about my all time favourite Spider-Man villain, the Green Goblin. He has been Spider-Man's arch nemesis since he was first introduced in The Amazing Spider-Man #14 in July 1964. To date, he has received two different big screen adaptations, one portrayed by... Continue Reading →

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