The Savage Avengers – Dark, Gritty and Gorey

Recently, I began purchasing my comics and graphic novels on Comixology as opposed to having them in physical from from the book store. This happened for two reasons: 1. The constant Ontario Lockdowns have made it a guessing game as to whether your shipment will show up when it's supposed to or whether it gets... Continue Reading →

Amazon’s Lord of the Rings Show – What to Expect

This article is dedicated to my friend Marlee who is currently reading the Lord of the Rings with her book group. She wanted me to say that " There are WAY too many Elven songs, they don't even leave the Shire until about 87 chapters in and Frodo is whiney bitch", take that as you... Continue Reading →

Batman’s Most Powerful Armour

This morning while I was enjoying my breakfast, I turned on Youtube and found the newest video from one of my favourite channels, Variant Comics. This particular video showed the title card of "Batman's Most Powerful Armor Revealed". Now me, being a Batman fan through and through, thought "There's no way they could do something... Continue Reading →

Venom – A History

With the release of the Venom teaser starring Tom Hardy, I decided to focus this week's post on the villain turned anti-hero, Venom. I for one am very excited about the film, and despite the backlash surrounding the teaser think it will turn out great. There has been a lot of controversy online about them... Continue Reading →

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